The Best Choice for Florida
EdReports All-Green Rating
Demonstrated Efficacy
2.5x growth in proficiency in states using Benchmark Advance First Edition as their core program.
Experienced Digital Delivery
Developed for effective distance learning or blended instruction.
Ongoing Teacher Training
From launch through implementation, we are your available guide and coach.
Support for Every Learner
Scaffolds are targeted and integrated in instruction.
Maximize the
Potential of Every Student
The Florida Benchmark Advance curriculum is grounded in the science of reading and designed for remote and on-site learning. Foundational skill standards are covered in systematic lessons that develop essential background knowledge and content vocabulary.

Build Knowledge
Within and Across Grades
A Knowledge-Based Framework Is Key to Comprehending Text
- 10 topic-based units per grade revolve around an essential question with multiple text sets per topic.
- 3 weeks of instruction per unit allow students to build concepts, vocabulary, and content knowledge.
- Grades K–6 vertical and horizontal alignment builds knowledge and background for subsequent years.
Unit 2 »
Knowledge Strand:
Character Matters

Built on the B.E.S.T.
Designed for Florida’s New Standards
Meets All ELA Standards, Strands, and Expectations Aligned to the Science of Reading Research Florida Assessments & Reports Florida Exploring the Arts Florida Civics & Social Studies Library and Trade Books
Meets All ELA Standards, Strands, and Expectations
Florida Assessments & Reports
Fully Aligned to B.E.S.T. Standards
Built to help you transition to the new assessment and new standards, Florida Benchmark Advance assessments are aligned to both sets of standards.
- Available as paper/pencil or eAssessments.
- Answer keys with item rationales explain why each response is correct or incorrect.
- Powerful standards-based reporting platform included.

Weekly & Unit Assessments

Interim Assessments
Florida Exploring the Arts
Fully address arts requirements in Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.

Florida Civics & Social Studies Library and Trade Books
Authentic literature and informational texts, plus titles from the Florida Book List.